Search Results for: increased water
Signs of Water Breaking in Pregnancy
When you are in your ninth month of pregnancy, your water could break at any time. It’s probably best that this doesn’t happen when you are giving a speech in front of a large crowd of people or when you are a guest at a formal dinner party. The good news is that only about 10 percent of women experience their water breaking before they are checked in at the hospital. But, since you don’t know for sure, it is understandable why many women are interested in knowing what, if any, signs will occur before your water breaks.
Swim Smarter: Water Safety Tips for Parents
Some of my best childhood memories are from summer vacations that I spent with my family on the water, either at the neighborhood public pool, on the lake or by the ocean. We tried them all and I loved every minute of it.
Are You Getting Enough Water in That Pregnant Body of Yours?
Are you tired, fatigued, constipated, and swollen? These are just a few signals that your body may want you to increase your water intake.
Water Exercise During Pregnancy
Although you may feel tired and ungainly when you are expecting a new baby, pregnancy is no time to stop exercising. Regular exercise provides numerous benefits to help you stay fit and toned. While your increased weight may make some exercises difficult or painful, water exercise provides buoyancy that helps ease the impact of movements and provides cushioning.
What Is Water Birth?
The labor and delivery options available to pregnant women have increased during the last several decades, according to the American Pregnancy Association. One of the most recent birthing methods developed is the water birth. During a water birth, the mother undergoes much of her labor in a large tub of warm water and, if she wishes, can deliver the baby while in the water. The option is gaining popularity in many hospitals and birthing centers; proponents say that this sort of delivery has many benefits for both the mother and the baby.