4 mins read

5 Tips For Crafting Your Massage Experience

It’s been two weeks and I am still brooding over the last massage I received. It was awful and it was all my fault! I want to help you avoid this disappointing and potentially painful experience. I have been a Massage Therapist for over seven years and have been privileged to work with some of the best in the business. I have received massages that have sent me around the moon, to another world and back. I have had excruciatingly deep sports massage that while at the time, uncomfortable, afforded me tall posture, nimble muscles and a clear head in the end. I know massage. And I know better than to walk into a place I have never been and let my new therapist take the reins.

3 mins read

Child Care Tips for Teething Pain

The UAB Health System cautions that teething typically lasts about two years starting when a baby is only five to seven months old. For many children, teething can be very painful and aggravating. As a result, many babies will begin to fuss and cry more than normal when teething. This behavior can upset the entire household. These child care tips for teething pain will help manage teething pain to eliminate these frustrating moments.

3 mins read

“Massaged” Caesar Kale Salad

Want to get your husband in the kitchen? Well, I was able to get the family active in meal prep with massage. Massaging kale, that is!!it might sound a little wacky but my clients always teach me new things and massaging this leafy super green is just one their great lessons. To Massage Kale: Rinse and chop kale into the desired size. Sprinkle olive oil over top of the kale. You can also add …

4 mins read

5 Healthy Tips for Busy Moms

Too often, moms have a bad habit of putting our needs on the back burner. We care for everybody in our lives except ourselves – and ladies, this needs to stop! Healthy, happy moms make better, more productive moms, so let’s help each other, encourage one another and lift each other up. I know life can seem overwhelming, and I sometimes want to throw in the towel too. But I’ve realize when Im feeling stressed and incapable, its because I’ve neglected myself and Im drained.

1 min read

Head Massager

All on-the-go moms share one thing in common – stress! With an endless to-do list, we are constantly moving to get everything done. Next time you are feeling a bit overwhelmed, treat yourself to a mini massage with the Kikkerland Head Massager!