2 mins read

How to Increase Sperm Count & Mobility

Having a low sperm count or substandard sperm motility can reduce your chances of getting your partner pregnant. The Mayo Clinic reports that a low sperm count reduces your chance of successful conception. In addition, if fewer than half your sperm are moving, conception becomes even more difficult. If you are faced with either low sperm count, low motility or both, it is important to know how to increase them when the time comes to start your family.

6 mins read

How To Become Your Own Personal Trainer

Hiring a personal trainer is an excellent way to ensure you will get your workouts done. If you are currently working with a personal trainer or have had one in the past, you probably realized that one of the benefits of hiring a trainer is ACCOUNTABILITY. When you schedule and pay for the training session…

3 mins read

Pregnancy and Sinus Pain

According to Lisa Rodriguez, R.N., contributing writer for the Dr. Spock website, sinus pain and infection are common pregnancy ailments. The hormones responsible for vaginal swelling also cause the lining of nasal passages and sinus cavities to swell, a condition called sinusitis. Increased swelling prevents nasal passages from draining properly, and this back-up of fluid can lead to an overgrowth of bacteria. The result is a painful sinus infection.

3 mins read

Toddler Developmental Milestones

When a baby starts to walk, he unofficially becomes a toddler. When most people speak of toddlerhood, they are referring to children between 1 and 3 years of age. Toddlers often make major changes, especially in regards to locomotion, thinking and talking. One-year-olds master walking and mobility, while 2-year-olds work on expanding their vocabulary. Toddlers learn to master their bodies and progress from walking to climbing and running. They learn names of body parts and are constantly refining their fine- and gross-motor skills. They become more independent and imitative. Children reach milestones based on their own timetables, but there are averages of when to expect new developments.

3 mins read

How Long Can One Use a Bassinet?

Bassinets are convenient for parents and can be cozier and more comfortable for a young baby. A bassinet allows you to keep baby close, either as you go about your daily activities or near your bed at night. Bassinets are intended for young infants, your baby will eventually outgrow the bassinet, whether it’s a traditional one on wheels or a modern insert into a small play yard.