9 mins read

Last Minute Stocking Stuffers

It’s almost that time! Well, if you stepped into any CVS right after Halloween, then it’s been that time for quite a while. The holiday season is here!  Sleigh bells are ringing, your children aren’t listening … ever, the slow is glistening and your house is totally decorated and ready for some holiday action. You’ve…

5 mins read

The Worst Gifts You’ve Ever Received

They say it’s really the thought that counts, and that you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth… but what if that horse has really bad teeth? We’ve all been there – smiling through gritted teeth as we profess great thanks for a truly terrible present. Madonna famously had a meltdown when she was given hydrangeas (everyone knows she prefers roses!). The Trojans got a giant wooden horse that led to the destruction of their city. That was definitely a bummer.

3 mins read

Why Sexting is Not Child Porn

It’s horrifying to parents: why would our children WANT others to see naked pictures of them? Why do we have to even TALK to our children about the many reasons that voluntarily taking, sending, or sharing nude pictures is not in any child’s best interest? But despite our horror over this digital and cultural divide…