3 mins read

Exercises for Muscle Building & Toning Without Equipment

Gym memberships are expensive and workout equipment is hardly conducive for small living spaces. Fortunately, you do not need a Pilates machine for muscle building and toning. Many exercises can be completed at home without equipment, and the results are a completely sculpted body. Perform these exercises several times a week on non-consecutive days. For the fastest results, do each movement until you feel like you are unable to do one more.

3 mins read

How to Tone Legs

During the winter, it is easy to gain extra weight in your legs due to eating more comfort food and exercising less. Once spring comes, many women want to wear shorts, capris and skirts again, but they find they need to tone their legs. Fortunately, with just a few weeks of concentrating on this area, you can have nicely toned thighs and calves.