Search Results for: picking
How to Stop a Child From Nose Picking
Nose picking is one of the most common and annoying habits your child can develop. Your child might start picking his nose because it’s itchy, infected, irritated or just because he’s curious. But once he starts, you’ll need to nip the habit in the bud if you don’t want to deal with increased nasal infection and potential nosebleeds — both consequences of too-frequent picking.
Picking the Right Trade Show
There are so many tradeshows in every single industry. How do you know which trade show will be worth the investment? These days trade shows cost in the ballpark of $3000-5000 justto exhibit at your boothand that doesn’t include thecost to ship your goods, renting some accessories for your booth,travel, hotel, food, etc. So, here are some tips on how to find the right shows for your product debut:
What A Wabi-Sabi Body Is And Why You Want It
What is a Wabi-Sabi Body? If you choose to scroll through Instagram (#workout), you will be bombarded with “perfect” physiques, six-pack ab challenges, impossible-looking exercises, and you may end up feeling less motivated and more self-critical. Last week I was zooming with a new personal training client, and when I asked her to tell me about her fitness goals, she quickly listed off all the things she “hates” about her body. I’ve heard so many women speak harshly about their body; clients, friends, family, and I’m sad to include myself. Self-improvement, working towards a fitness goal, eating healthier, these are things I passionately believe in and encourage.
All Aboard the Holiday Express…
The holiday season. I liken it to an express train on a long, straight track: You can see it coming from miles away, but you don’t realize how fast it’s approaching until it’s flying by, leaving your ears ringing, your hair a windswept mess, and the pit of your stomach churning with unspent adrenaline. With…
Fall is the New Spring
We’re one month into autumn. School and work and life schedules have reverted to some sort of “normal” structure. Sweaters and suits have come out of closets to replace bikinis and sunglasses. Leaves are changing from green to red, gold, and brown, or, depending on where you are, have already begun to fall. There’s a…