3 mins read

Medical Benefits of Meditation

Meditation, the art of tuning the mind out of normal, conscious thought and into a relaxed state of awareness, is becoming increasingly popular in Western culture, and it’s about time. Meditation has been an integral part of Eastern life and religion for centuries. Health professionals report that people who make meditation a regular part of their lives experience a wide range of neurological, emotional, cardiovascular and immune system benefits. Specific types of meditation have also been identified as being particularly healthful for pregnant women.

3 mins read

Newborn Baby Breathing Problems

Babies, especially during the infancy stage, breathe four times faster than the average adult human being; newborns breathe at the rate of 40 times per minute while adults normally breathe at 12 to 18 times per minute. Although babies have periodic breaks during normal breathing, they can experience serious breathing difficulties. Knowing the tell-tale signs of abnormal breathing can help you identify a problem and get professional medical help.

3 mins read

Surgery for Acne Scars

Approximately 40 to 50 million Americans suffer from acne, according to 2009 information from the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). Additionally, each year, 85 percent of U.S. teenagers will have acne an breakout. Most cases of acne are mild and you can effectively treat them with readily available over-the-counter medications. Moderate to serious acne cases typically require professional medical intervention and sometimes result in unsightly scars. Contemporary surgical techniques can help diminish the appearance of acne scars.

2 mins read

How to Prevent Depression in Teens

As kids move through their challenging teen years, many experience an increase in feelings of unease. For many, this morose feeling will be temporary and subside by itself. But for others, this upset is long-lasting and may even spiral into depression. If you think that your teen is sinking into depression, there may be a solution. With some at home efforts, and perhaps professional medical intervention, you can help your teen beat the depression-related blues.

1 min read

Is Your Sunscreen Safe? Physical Sunscreens vs. Chemical Sunscreens

Todays video is all about the glorious sun and sun safety. Many know how important sunscreen is to prevent damage to our skin; in fact a lot of money is spent on sunscreen each year. The question is how do you choose a sunscreen that is a safe choice for you and your family? In this video I talk about the different types of sunscreens, physical sunscreens vs. chemical sunscreens. I will teach you …