4 mins read

The Benefits of Hiring a Nanny Vs. Daycare

Whether you already have kids, or are planning to have them, you may be thinking about who is going to care for them when you have to go to work. Nowadays, most parents are both working; therefore, they are not able to stay home to care for their children. When this situation comes up, whats a parent to do? Is hiring a nanny something you are thinking about? Does putting your child in a daycare center seem like a good idea? The choice is yours.

3 mins read

Afro Hair Care Tips

To keep your Afro hair looking good, you must take good care of your tresses. Growing and caring for a good-looking, healthy Afro requires quite a bit of work and patience because of its fragile and brittle nature. Using the proper techniques in the upkeep of your hair will help keep your woes at bay.

3 mins read

Hair Care for Split Ends

The catch-22 of the hair world is that the more you comb, brush or use certain products to make your hair look better, the more likely it will be to break. When hair breaks at the ends, you have split ends. These splits can travel up your hair, weakening it and making it look frizzy, dry and unhealthy. One of the worst offenders is chemical treatments used to color, straighten or curl your hair.

3 mins read

How to Teach Children Proper Hygiene

Maintaining good hygiene is habit forming; once kids have practice in taking care of their bodies, it will become automatic. Using little rhymes, sayings and games for encouragement works more effectively than nagging, and some kids will respond to using products like shampoo, soaps and toothbrushes they pick out themselves. Even toddlers can begin learning to care for themselves; by the time kids are in middle school they should be able to manage their own personal hygiene routines.