3 mins read

Teen STD Testing

While the thought of your teen engaging in behavior that could result in the acquisition of an STD is likely enough to keep you up at night, it’s important to realize teens can and do get them. If you believe your teen has engaged in risky behavior, an STD test may be a wise choice. A test for sexually transmitted diseases will prompt immediate treatment and ensure she doesn’t suffer from the ill-effects of the condition in the future.

2 mins read

Pregnancy & Breast Pains

You may be surprised at the numerous and varied changes you experience during your pregnancy. Pregnancy can cause many symptoms and discomforts. Along with morning sickness and weight gain, you may develop pain in your breasts. Although this discomfort may cause periods of distress, rest assured this symptom is common among pregnant women. Knowing what causes this discomfort and what to expect can allow you to relax and understand this normal, pregnancy symptom.