2 mins read

Green Ideas for the Home

You do not need to live in a home built of re-purposed materials and lined with solar panels to go green. Small changes in your daily habits, home decor and landscaping have a dramatic impact on energy and water consumption, as well as the reduction of chemical use in your household. If going green feels overwhelming, begin with implementing one green idea for the home per week, such as switching from paper napkins to cloth napkins, and proceed from there.

3 mins read

7 Easy Tips to Spring Cleanse Your Soul

While washing windows and scrubbing walls and cleaning up a winter’s worth of yard waste is typically part of spring cleaning, start your spring off right with a spiritual spring cleaning as well. Take the time to get rid of emotional baggage, scrub off your best mental tools and clear away the winter’s spider webs and mental dust bunnies. With a soulful spring cleaning, you’ll be refreshed and ready for better relationships, a better mood and a season of personal growth.

2 mins read

How to Decorate Kid’s Rooms to Transition From Baby to Teen

Once a baby comes into your life, the years seem to slip through your fingers like water. Before you know it, your babies are growing into children. As the children grow into teens, the time inevitably comes that their baby rooms no longer match their tastes or interests. Redecorating can be costly, however. Knowing how to decorate kid’s rooms to transition from baby to teen is an important way to prevent more redecorations in the future, thus ultimately saving money.

2 mins read

Quick Guide to Sensual Massages for Your Husband

You don’t have to be a professional massage therapist to give a great massage to your husband. In fact, it’s as much about the mood and the moment as it is about the massage. Follow these steps to entice your man to a little rest and relaxation… and maybe a little more, too!

4 mins read

Ideas to Get Your Kids More Exercise

It is a fact that kids spend way too much time exercising their fingers with a TV remote, cell phone, computer or video games and too little of it engaging in wholesome physical activity. But how do you peel your kids and teenagers away from these addictive, enticing and often mind-numbing activities and encourage them to stay healthy and physically active instead? It’s possible and it may not be all that difficult to do. Here are some ideas to get your kids more exercise.