2 mins read

Yoga Benefits for Kids

Yoga offers physical, mental and emotional benefits for adults and children, especially when practiced on a regular basis. Basic yoga poses offer an introduction to the low-impact form of exercise. Be prepared to make modifications to the poses and to your usual yoga routine to accommodate the creativity of children. A child-centered yoga practice gives the young participants the greatest benefit.

3 mins read

Why Go Green With Mass Transit?

Going green is the new black — everyone’s doing it, and everyone has their favorite way of giving back to Mother Nature. Every little bit of energy savings adds up — or rather, subtracts from your carbon footprint, but few things you can do will have as great an effect on the environment as using mass transit systems on a regular basis.

2 mins read

How to Solve a Family Conflict

Whenever you have a group of people who share the same home and interact on a regular basis, you’re bound to have conflict and disagreements. Some minor spats blow over on their own when the involved parties cool off and others require a family effort that involves open communication and problem solving. Dealing with conflict as it arises helps to both keep peace in your family and teach children how to resolve conflict in their own lives in a healthy and productive way.

3 mins read

Teen Smoking & Tobacco Use

Practically no one suddenly decides at 35 years of age to become a smoker. In almost every case, smokers start this habit when they are young, before graduating high school. Pretty much, if you can make it past the teen years without using tobacco, you are never going to use it on a regular basis. As a parent, you’ve got your work cut out for you because even though tobacco companies cannot advertise to the extent they would like, they still get the message out to your children in movies and TV. Smoking still looks cool to many kids and kids typically discount the health risks because the future seems so far away.

2 mins read

About Washing Hands

Regular hand washing is part of a healthy lifestyle for people of all ages. Following the proper hand-washing technique is key to staying healthy, particularly during the cold and flu season. Children also need to learn and practice washing their hands on a regular basis so the whole family is on board with healthy hygiene.