2 mins read

The Best Places to Vacation While Pregnant

Just because you are pregnant doesn’t mean you have to spend nine months cooped up at home. An array of places can serve as a supremely appropriate place to vacation while expecting. By selecting one of these beautiful and relaxing sites and taking some time off with your partner, you can prepare yourself to meet the arrival of your new child with energy.

3 mins read

A Commitment to Meditation

Hi Friends! I hope you had a wonderful Holiday! How was it? I cant wait to come back and share with you how ours went, but to be honest I am writing this ahead of time because when this goes up we will still have visitors.

6 mins read

Keep Your Kids Safe this Holiday!

Along with the wonders and excitement about the upcoming holiday, there comes some increased stress and worry. To alleviate some of the stress caused by travelling with the kids or having family and friends in from out of town- KidSafe suggests you think about implementing a few safety guide lines within your family to avoid some vacation pitfalls.

3 mins read

Boy’s Room Decoration Ideas

When decorating a boy’s room, it’s super important to think about his interests, preferences and personal style. What you think will be the perfect room for your little boy may be totally different than he was hoping for. Working together to solidify your decorating plan can help ensure that you both end up with a room you are satisfied with. Here are some theme ideas to give your son’s room a decorative (but not cluttered) pop.

3 mins read

Decorating & Furniture Tips for the Bedroom

Bedrooms don’t receive as much traffic as the living room or kitchen, but the decor of your bedroom sets the mood, whether you want a relaxing, spa-like retreat or a funky, modern room. Whether you’re decorating a small guest bedroom or an expansive master suite, you will find plenty of ways to infuse your own personality and decorating style into the decor.