Search Results for: stakeholders
4 mins read
Taking Meetings From “Dull and Dreadful” to “Energetic and Effective”
A friend recently remarked about how she was bored to tears at one of her team meetings. I was surprised to learn there is a name for this feeling-- “meeting narcolepsy,” and even a support group on LinkedIn for employees suffering from it. Meetings happen in every office, every line of business, and there’s no…
2 mins read
Ann Romney and Hilary Rosen: Beyond the Mommy Wars
What is the real reason for the intense public reaction ignited by Hilary Rosens criticism of Ann Romney? Ann Romney is a homemaker. She raised five sons. She worked hard. Is it a full-time job? Absolutely. Does it pay well? For most women, other than Ann Romney, it does not. So as a