4 mins read

What Diet Pills Are as Effective As Prescription Drugs?

Nonprescription diet pill makers have an impressive array of marketing tools at their disposal. Manufacturers behind print ads, Internet websites and infomercials may claim their product is just as effective as a prescription drug for less cost and without the hassle of getting your doctor’s approval. However, diet pills that claim to be just as effective as weight loss drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration may not work — and they can also compromise your health.

2 mins read

Does Stress Decrease the Effectiveness of Birth Control Pills?

Birth control pills are a common form of contraception. Many women choose birth control pills because they are an easy method that lets them take a pill and move on with their day. This is great when your schedule is packed and you can’t afford to sit and think about whether you have contraception ready to go. That doesn’t make it stress-proof though. As life fills with stress and frustration, you may find your birth control suffering.

2 mins read

Effective Acne Face Wash

Even though you may think of acne as mostly a teenage skin problem, people in their 20s, 30s and 40s can get acne, too. Acne is the term for plugged pores, according to Rutgers State University. When sebum, dead cells, hair or bacteria clog your pores, you can get blackheads, pimples or even lumps or cysts. Hormones also play a role, because certain hormones create sebum.

3 mins read

Is Microdermabrasion Safe & Effective?

If you don’t want to worry about a cosmetic procedure that takes a lot of time, microdermabrasion may be the ideal treatment to rejuvenate a dull complexion. In the hands of skilled dermatologist, microdermabrasion is quite safe. However, microdermabrasion’s effectiveness depends on the cosmetic concerns you wish to address–and the results you expect from this treatment.