4 mins read

Can a Television Break Up a Couple?!

I loathe having a television in our bedroom. I don’t like to watch TV before falling asleep. I like to read. My bed partner, however, loves watching TV before bed and claims that he can’t fall asleep without it. That’s a hot steamy pile of turd, because on the few times when he didn’t watch TV, and instead read, he was out like a light in less than 10 minutes.

5 mins read

Bringing My A Game

My three-year old has just hit the prime of the terrible twos (I guess he waited to make a grand entrance), with the strength of the Hulk, the charm of Hugh Grant, and the speed of Superman. My house is child-proofed for Hannibal Lecter. All kitchen chairs are tied to the table, there are no knick-knacks or picture frames around the house, cleaning supplies are above the sink, any other piece of furniture that can be moved is in storage and we dont use any knifes, we cut our food with lasers.