2 mins read

Helpful Tips to Get Pregnant

When you decide to have a family, it is both exciting and scary. Getting pregnant may be easy, or it can be a bit more difficult. Understanding your body and taking proper care of yourself can help you to get pregnant quickly and easily. Before you know it, you’ll be holding a positive pregnancy test and preparing for the wonder and joy of a new baby in your home.

6 mins read

Autism Tracking Devices

Should children with autism have tracking devices? Wandering is a big issue in the world of autism. Autistic children and teenagers wander for various reasons, wherever on the spectrum they land. When I've worked for the Los Angeles Walk Now for Autism Speaks in the past as the volunteer chair, I've been in charge of…

2 mins read

Family Fitness Tips

Family fitness helps the family bond while you promote a healthy lifestyle with your kids. The benefits of staying physically fit include reduced risk for disease, a more positive outlook on life, better sleeping and weight control. You don’t need to drag the family to the gym or make the kids do hundreds of jumping jacks to stay fit. Entertaining and physically active family time works just as well to increase fitness.