3 mins read

Traditional Easter Recipes: Italian Ricotta Pie

Finally the beautiful weather makes an appearance, the clocks are set ahead and the days are getting longer. Just one glimpse of the purple crocus peeking through the ground can set off an hour of conversation between us about what flowers we will be planting, what colors we should choose, and the yearly banter about who plants the parsley and who plants the basil. Heaven forbid if we both plant the parsley! Important Questions

3 mins read

Vegan French Toast

Hello lovely! A very Happy Holidays to you and yours. I hope you’re soaking up the joy that’s all around, staying cozy and listening to lots of your favorite music. My almost 7-year old daughter (eek slow down time!) and I particularly love singing the lyrics to Angels Among Us by Alabama this time of…

3 mins read

The Only “Push Present” I Want Comes In A Yellow Wrapper

The other night in one of the childbirth classes I teach, we were talking about pushing and the moment that your beautiful child comes out into the world and is placed in your arms. I was sort of choked up thinking about how beautiful the moment was when my first child was placed into my arms and how it made every minute of the 28 hour labor worth it. One of the moms asked me if I got a push present after I had each child.