Search Results for: video ranking
How to Unclog a Toilet That’s Backing up Into the Bathtub
Many homeowners fear dealing with a clogged toilet, especially when they have guests. This fear is not totally unfounded since it is estimated that more than 28 million American households a month will have to deal with this issue. One of the worst types of toilet clogs is one that affects your bathtub, too. Don't…
Oat Bread Recipe (for your bread machine)
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Healthy Body Weight for Kids
Kids make up a significant portion of the rising obesity rates in the United States. Being overweight as a kid increases the odds that you’ll be overweight later in life, and that you’ll develop obesity-related medical conditions. As a parent, you may be better off looking at your child’s health and the quality of his diet than the numbers on the scale as you work toward getting him to his healthy weight.
The Shocking Girls’ Guide to Workplace Success
From the moment baby boomers joined the workforce, women made it their mission to create a fair playing field for everyone. But after decades of feminists plowing down the boys’ club, today’s women enter a totally different kind of workplace and need totally different advice for succeeding. What should the new rules be? This list is long, but here are five points to get the conversation going: