2 mins read

CPR Instructions for Pregnant Women

If you have a loved one or close acquaintance who is pregnant, or if you just want to be ready for a potential emergency, learning CPR can save not one life but two or more. If you know what to do, you can keep oxygen available to the baby and mother until help arrives. If you decide to receive formal CPR training, with a focus on pregnancy, you may want to bring a partner with you. CPR can be done better with more than one rescuer.

3 mins read

Easy Thanksgiving Meals

For many, Thanksgiving is all about the food. However, this emphasis on good eats does not mean that you need to spend your time slaving over a hot stove on this holiday. To free yourself up to enjoy the festivities with your family and friends, plan some simple Thanksgiving meal options. By selecting these alternatives to the old standbys, you can delight your guests with tasty treats without breaking a sweat.