6 mins read

How To Actually Organize Family Leisure

It can be difficult for busy families to spend some quality time together; parents are often juggling work commitments with keeping on top of household chores, while children may have studies and homework or after-school activities that eat up time. As a result, family time is often at a premium, and on those occasions when…

1 min read

Making Awards Shows Fun For Kids: A ModernMom Moment

You want to watch the Academy Awards with your family, but your kids think it's boring, right? Try this interactive game to keep them entertained and you enjoying your show. Check out this ModernMom Moment and leave your best Oscar fun ideas, then subscribe to our YouTube channel for new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday. https://youtu.be/LOm2-pAJeCY?list=PLjYzCAK1v8HGewbMXnpoQyOfDGRqSrQQ6…