3 mins read

What If These 11 Things Were Uttered In Your House…

As a parent, there are just certain things that you hear from your children and behaviors you have come to expect. Day in and day out, kids will fight, need stuff, make things more difficult, and complain about pretty much everything. We did it too for our parents, and I’m sure we drove them bat shit…

2 mins read

20 More Lies I Tell My Kids

I realized after writing my first post, 20 Lies I Tell My Kids, I definitely tell a lot more than 20 lies. So, here are 20 more lies I tell my kids! 1. I’m not going to tell you again. (Yes, yes I will…probably at least 40 more times.) 2. "Kids, it’s a deer road!…

3 mins read

20 Lies I Tell My Children

The saying goes “honesty is the best policy.” That is what my parents taught me and that’s what I teach my children. Throughout their lives, I have encouraged them to always tell the truth. I really do believe this is the best policy, but here’s the thing…Moms and Dads lie sometimes. I know it is hypocritical.…

5 mins read

8 Things That Happen When You Have Three Kids

I confess. I might be in over my head. Anyone with kids has their hands full, but for me, having three kids is a bit more difficult than I had anticipated. I love each of my kids dearly, but the three of them together can be more than I can handle at times. They push…

3 mins read

Lost in Translation – What We Say and What Kids Hear

Communication…or should I say miscommunication. In my opinion, it is probably one of the most frustrating things. As adults, we all know those people who can never understand what you are saying, or they completely misunderstand what you were trying to communicate to them. They just stare at you as if you were speaking another…