3 mins read

Who the Heck is Fitzpatrick?

Its Wednesday March 17, Saint Pattys Day 2010. I am sitting at the park trying desperately to multitask a client file and keep my eye on my (almost) 6 year old in the sea of children in green T-shirts. Its a beautiful day in sunny San Diego. Spring is almost here, raising its flag that great weather is here to stay.

4 mins read

5 Tips For Crafting Your Massage Experience

It’s been two weeks and I am still brooding over the last massage I received. It was awful and it was all my fault! I want to help you avoid this disappointing and potentially painful experience. I have been a Massage Therapist for over seven years and have been privileged to work with some of the best in the business. I have received massages that have sent me around the moon, to another world and back. I have had excruciatingly deep sports massage that while at the time, uncomfortable, afforded me tall posture, nimble muscles and a clear head in the end. I know massage. And I know better than to walk into a place I have never been and let my new therapist take the reins.