My Daughter Thinks I’m Mooching Off “Daddy’s Money”
A few nights ago, I had an OMG moment with my daughter. Not OMG like, OMG, she did something horrible. This was more of an “OMG, is that what she really thinks?” kind of a thing.
My Son’s, Um, Interesting Idea Of Where Babies Come From
When my daughter was five, she starting asking questions about how babies are made. How does a baby get in a mommy’s tummy? How does a baby get out of a mommy’s tummy? I’d been to several parenting talks by various experts, who all gave the same advice: answer the question asked, and only the…
My Son is Bad at Sports
You hear all the time about how hard it is to be a girl in our society, and with all of the body image issues, the mean girls and the sexualization of just about everything, it surely is.
From Trader Joe’s to Spanx, 12 Small Things I’m Thankful For
I love Thanksgiving. Its definitely my favorite holiday of the year. Aside from the fact that the food is really good, I like it because a) it doesnt require me to buy gifts for anyone, and b) school, practices, games and activities are all canceled, which means that I dont have to drive carpool – anywhere – for four entire days. Ahhh.
Mom Guilt For All The Wrong Reasons
Aside from love, I think that guilt is probably the strongest, most universal emotion that parents experience. We feel guilty from the time our babies are born, about everything: for not breastfeeding long enough, for leaving them on a Saturday morning to go to the gym, for going back to work, for letting them watch TV, for keeping them in a wet diaper for too long, and on and on and on.