6 mins read

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes in Infants

Diabetes can affect individuals of any age, including infants and children. Knowing that your baby has diabetes can be really frightening. But by learning how to perform glucose testing and give insulin, you can help your child to grow up healthy. The first thing you need to do, though, is to keep your own stress level down. Your baby can sense if you feel anxious, so it is up to you to be as brave as your little one.

3 mins read

Toddler Rosacea

Few things are cuter than a rosy-cheeked toddler, but in some cases, those bright red cheeks may be the sign of a more serious underlying condition. Though it’s fairly rare, some toddlers can develop rosacea, a skin disorder more common in older people. Knowing how to recognize and treat this condition can help ensure that your child’s skin problem doesn’t become a major issue.

6 mins read

No Child Left Alone?

When I was growing up in Washington, DC in the 1970s, I spent most of the hot, humid summers exploring my neighborhood, kicking around my elementary school playground, and walking neighbors dogs at the local park across the street from my house. Except for quick meals, I was rarely home between 9am and full dark. Wherever I happened to spend my days, my mom was not there with me. She had four kids and a …

5 mins read

THE CONFIDENCE GAP: What Our Daughters Need to Know

The answer to life is yes. Take every opportunity and risk you can. Youll only regret the things you didnt do because you were afraid to try.–Cecile Richards Parents have it tough. Many of us grew up during the Dont Talk Back to Me years and now weve got to give our daughters the Speak Up Loudly and Frequently message. Boys are expected to be loud, rowdy roughhousers. They get …