3 mins read

Advice for Aquarians in Love

If you were born between Jan. 21 and Feb. 19, you fall under the sign of Aquarius. According to astrology, Aquarians tend to be incredibly intelligent people who look out for their fellow humans. As an Aquarian, you may notice that you often feel emotionally distant from people, which can get in the way when you go looking for love. Fortunately, Aquarians can be lucky in love, as long as they look for partners who fulfill certain qualities.

3 mins read

Love Advice for Teenagers

As your child enters his teen years, he may find himself more intrigued and attracted to the opposite sex. Talking with your teenager about love, relationships and sex may feel awkward at first, but being available for your teenager could prevent him from getting seriously hurt in a relationship or from making decisions with great, long-lasting consequences. Let your teenager know you have an open ear and be prepared to offer him advice on love when needed.

3 mins read

Advice on Divorce Settlements

You must resolve three primary issues before a court will grant you a divorce, according to Psychology Today. These three issues concern custody of the children, alimony and child support and the division of marital property. Generally, you would seek the help of an attorney to settle these issues. The settlement is the final legal agreement between you and your husband.

2 mins read

Advice for Men in a Divorce

While your wedding day may hold visions of bliss and future happiness, your divorce may leave you wondering why you ever decided to get married. Divorce affects men and women differently, depending on their individual circumstances, economical security, emotional differences and parenting roles. As a man contemplating divorce, you may wonder what to expect and what you can do to minimize the impact of this difficult experience on yourself and your children.