2 mins read

A Class Overnight with an Autistic Child

Does your child with autism do overnights? My child has done overnights only with other family members. What does an overnight mean? It means that they sleep somewhere thats NOT their home. Of course, my child has gone on numerous vacations. But, those were always with his parents or a relative. My child sleeps well in a hotel room. He has also done well at a relative?s house. I think most families are able …

6 mins read

Six Reasons to Have Six Kids

When people hear that I have six kids, the reaction is usually entertaining. Sure, there are some days when I wonder what Ive gotten myself into, worry about the world theyll inherit, and/or consider the environmental footprint of a family like mine. But most of the time I just celebrate how awesome it is to have six kids. Here are a few reasons why:

3 mins read

Sixth Grade for an Autistic Student

My child just started sixth grade.

Our elementary school is kindergarten through sixth, so he?s technically still in elementary school and not middle school. However, I?m still amazed he?s in his seventh and last year at our school.

Where did the time go?

How is sixth grade structured?

First, I?m happy to report that in my child?s school, sixth graders not only have instruction on every major subject (math, science, history, English) everyday but two …