4 mins read

5 SIDS Risk Factors Parents Need to Know

Every year several thousand babies die unexpectedly in their sleep, the cause of death unknown. These deaths are the result of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, a condition that doctors have yet to explain. While the nation’s top researchers have worked persistently to better understand SIDS, doctors have not yet determined an exact cause…

2 mins read

Pregnancy Tips, Causes & Risk Factors

Even women who are healthy before pregnancy can develop risk factors once their baby is conceived, according to MedlinePlus. Women over 35 are especially susceptible to developing a high-risk pregnancy. While not every pregnancy problem is preventable, learning tips as well as potential risk factors can help you and your baby get through this essential time in your lives much more smoothly.

3 mins read

The Risk Factors in Infant Stimulation and Development

Infants thrive on and need stimulation to ensure proper development. By stimulating your infant’s senses, you’re encouraging communication, interaction and learning. You’re also giving him a sense of importance. However, there can be too much of a good thing—an excess of new sights and sounds can overstimulate a baby. Also, not all methods of infant stimulation are beneficial. Walk through any major baby department and you’ll see numerous gadgets and videos claiming to make your baby smart. Are these really necessary?

3 mins read

Study Finds Father’s Age is Linked to Risk of Autism

A new study published in the journal, Nature, found that a mans age may affect his childs chances of developing autism or schizophrenia. This is because random mutations in the chromosomes provided by the father become more prevalent as the man gets older. The research was prompted by the belief that increasing cases of autism in the last few years may be due to the increasing age at which couples are starting families. However, it also noted that the age of the mother had little or nothing to do with the outcome of her child developing autistic traits.

1 min read

Drinking Coffee May Lower Women’s Stroke Risk

Love coffee? Well, you could possibly be lowering your risk of stroke when you drink it, according to study of nearly 35,000 women published Thursday in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association. The study found that those who drank more than one cup of coffee a day had a 22% to 25% lowered risk of stroke, compared with women who drank less than that amount. In fact, NOT drinking coffee could be more harmful than helpful — the study also found that drinking little or no coffee was actually associated with a slight increase in stroke risk.