3 mins read

The Best Cardio Exercise to Lose Weight

The good news about losing weight through cardio is that the best exercises are the ones that you enjoy. Having some fun while you exercise is important. To lose weight through cardio, you have to devote yourself to an exercise program. Feel free to vary your cardio to keep things fresh. A good weight loss regimen through cardio is to lose 1 lb. each week, according to the Shape Fit website.

1 min read

Simple Tip For Losing Weight

The tortoise may come in first after all. A recent review of 22 well-designed studies shows that slow eaters seem to be able to keep their weight down better than their counterparts.We are all aware of the obvious forms of weight control such as healthy low calorie food choices, but eating slowly has not been high on our lists. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to let your stomach know that you …

2 mins read

Walking Workouts to Lose Weight

Walking is perhaps one of the best exercises for losing weight. It’s free and almost anyone can do it, because you can alter your pace to your level. If you’ve been walking for awhile, though, you may be looking for some ways to break up the monotony. Incorporating different ways of walking or of looking at walking as an exercise can help you to stay focused and improve your fitness.

3 mins read

The Best Exercises to Help Lose Weight Fast

Weight loss is largely based on a calories in/calories out formula, where the more calories you burn, the faster you’ll lose weight, according to the Mayo Clinic. While that may be a rather simplistic explanation and the truth involves a bit more–such as your body composition and genetics–the best way to lose weight fast is to focus on exercises that burn a lot of calories in a short period of time. Sure, you can lose weight by walking or doing other simple exercises, but with high intensity exercises, you can choose to work out for shorter periods or burn more calories working out in the same amount of time.

2 mins read

How to Increase Metabolism to Lose Weight

Metabolism refers to the process your body undergoes to turn food into energy. Your metabolic rate can affect the speed at which you gain or lose weight and the ease of maintaining your weight. Typically, a fast metabolism equals easier weight loss and a slower metabolism may result in weight gain. Many factors contribute to how fast or slow your metabolism is. These include age, gender, activity level and the foods you eat. While some factors are out of your control, you can easily alter a few of your habits to increase your metabolism for weight loss.