3 mins read

Toddler Rosacea

Few things are cuter than a rosy-cheeked toddler, but in some cases, those bright red cheeks may be the sign of a more serious underlying condition. Though it’s fairly rare, some toddlers can develop rosacea, a skin disorder more common in older people. Knowing how to recognize and treat this condition can help ensure that your child’s skin problem doesn’t become a major issue.

3 mins read

Good News: Men Are Hard-Wired To Be Involved Parents!

Its always refreshing when the latest parenthood headlines focus on fathers instead of mothers. Last week, the front page of the New York Times read: Fatherhood Cuts Testosterone, Study Finds, for Good of the Family. Regardless of exactly why the New York Times editors consider this front page news, or exactly what the data shows, its inspirational that expensive research resources, and newspaper ink, recognize how critical dads are to raising kids. Unlike so many sensationalist headlines stirring moms guilt and our hormones, this headline suggests fairly that good parenting is not all about us moms.

3 mins read

Caster Oil to Induce Labor

Old wives’ remedies include numerous do-it-yourself approaches to inducing labor, such as hot baths, enemas, herbs, sexual intercourse and castor oil. Castor oil, traditionally used as a laxative, has been the subject of study in some clinical trials. However, according to an article published in the May 2003 issue of “American Family Physician,” there’s no conclusive evidence that suggests castor oil is helpful.

3 mins read

5 Second Rule — Are Germs Good for Your Kid?

Its in a childs nature to be curious and explore the world. One of the easiest ways to learn and explore, of course, is to touch things in their environment and sometimes, dirty things. But, are you being overprotective when you rub anti-bacterial on your childs hands after every time he or she discovers a new object or picks up dropped food off the floor? Are your hyper-hygienic habits unnecessary, and possibly harmful to your kid? Are germs actually good for your kids? Research answers yes to all of the above!