3 mins read

The Smallest Amount of Money Required to Buy Shares

From planning for retirement to preparing for a child’s education, a number of reasons may make moms want to buy shares or look into investing. With many companies offering online trading, you can often buy shares at less expense than you could if you worked with a stock broker. How little money each share costs depends on the company you decide to use for your trades.

3 mins read

How to Light the Menorah With Your Kids

The Chanukah menorah is a candelabrum with nine branches. Jewish families light the menorah each year to celebrate the Festival of Lights, symbolic of the miracle of one day’s worth of lamp oil lasting for eight days. For this reason, the holiday is observed for eight nights. Lighting the menorah each night of Chanukah is one way not only to teach children more about their Jewish heritage and spiritual traditions, but also to promote a sense of belonging that helps families grow closer.