2 mins read

Normal Basal Body Temperature for Early Pregnancy

Pregnancy causes numerous changes in your body. Some occur early, even during the first few weeks. In addition to breast tenderness, morning sickness and a missed period, you may notice some important changes in your body temperature. Although you may not feel any warmer, a special thermometer can help you monitor your temperature closely and may indicate the presence of a fertilized egg. By keeping a close eye on your temperature, you can notice any fluctuations.

3 mins read

Is it Normal to Feel a Slight Pain in the Side When Pregnant?

Although people may insist that your pregnancy has you glowing, you may not feel like you fit that description. In fact, the common discomforts of pregnancy can disturb your sleep and have you wondering if everything is progressing normally. Mild discomforts are a normal part of pregnancy, but some types of pain may signify a condition that requires medical treatment. An unusual pain in the side may be nothing more than an ordinary symptom of a stretching uterus, or it could be something more serious.

2 mins read

Abnormal Pap During Pregnancy

As a woman of child-bearing age, you have likely had your fair share of Pap smears. While most Pap smear tests come back normal, on occasion, women who received abnormal pap smear results require additional medical testing and perhaps even treatment. If you receive an abnormal pap smear result while pregnant, don’t panic. While your result could be the sign of something serious, it could also be no cause for concern at all. Abnormal Pap smear results during pregnancy are not unheard of, and many of the tests and treatments associated with these results can be administered to moms-to-be.

2 mins read

Is First Trimester Bleeding Normal in Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a complicated cascade of events where you learn your body can do amazing and unexpected things. While some of them can be joyful, others can invoke panic. One of the most worrying symptoms during pregnancy is the dreaded bleeding during the first trimester. Although bleeding can be a sign of a miscarriage during the first trimester, it can have other perfectly natural causes that will not harm your baby.