7 mins read

Explaining HB2 to My Son With Autism

My son is thirteen, very intelligent, thoughtful, and asks a lot of questions about current affairs. So, after I mentioned that his aunt, who lives in North Carolina, was upset at the recent canceled concert by Bruce Springsteen, my son asked why. I don't know about most parents, but with my son, I fell he's…

3 mins read

Recipes for Barbecue Chicken

Although barbecue has been an integral part of southern cuisine for hundreds of years, it is by no means an American creation. Many countries around the world have their own style of barbecue that bears little resemblance to the traditional barbecue that takes place in our backyards. The increasingly health-conscious American public often replaces ribs and brisket with chicken to satisfy that barbecue craving, and looks to recipes from around the world.

3 mins read

Recipes for Barbecue Shredded Pork

In the southern United States, a barbecue without pork isn’t a real barbecue. Shredded pork, also called pulled pork, is an economical dish well-suited for entertaining. It takes little preparation and cooks for anywhere from four to eight hours, freeing up your day to get ready for your guests. For a change of pace, look to different regions and countries for inspiration the next time you make shredded pork.

3 mins read

Garlic Bulbs With the Best Flavor

Garlic’s power over vampires is debatable. What’s not debatable is garlic’s overwhelming aroma, powerful enough to ward off others. When you are preparing a meal for your family or friends, consider which type of garlic bulb you peel and add. Some have deeper, hotter flavors, while others are milder. If you want a pleasant meal, use a bulb everyone will enjoy.