1 min read

What is a QR Code?

Have you seen one of these square shaped barcode-looking things on a billboard or magazine advertisement? Called QR codes, they’re popping up everywhere – from posters and products to T-shirts and even dog collars! What is a QR Code? QR is short for Quick Response – mostly because they can be read quickly by a phone or mobile device. It’s atwo-dimensional barcode full encoded information like a URL (web address), text, or other information. For example, it could contain a special coupon or details about an upcoming movie release.

2 mins read

Best Baby Reading Programs

While the way a babys brain develops is largely a mystery, even to those who spend their lives studying it, one thing we do know is that a babys window of opportunity to learn language opens early in life. Using a baby reading program can facilitate that learning by adding letter and sound recognition and preliminary reading skills to your babys repertoire.