4 mins read

The Family Holiday Dinner Survival Guide

We just survived a holiday with my in-laws, and when I say in-laws I dont just mean Daddy-os parents – I mean ALL of the in-laws. At the top of the family pecking order is the grand matriarch, Oma. She has five grown kids, one of whom is Daddy-o. The total headcount for this communal holiday was: 1 Oma, 10 adults, and 17 grandchildren under the age of 13 years old.

6 mins read

What an Autism Parent Notices

What an Autism Parent Notices   This happens to me all the time. (I’ll assume this also happens to lots of AutParents.) I’m in a breakfast room at a hotel. I get up to get a spoon and I notice this seven or eight-year-old boy organizing the salt and pepper packets in the container. He’s…

5 mins read

Autism and Hotel Fire Alarms

Autism and Hotel Fire Alarms Pre-pandemic, my husband, son, and I had a visit to the bay area. We stayed at a fairly nice hotel in downtown Oakland. We had an unusual experience in this hotel, and I learned something about my son. What happened? The hotel has twenty-one floors. Our room was on the…

5 mins read

Autism and the 2020 Election

Autism and the 2020 Election For me, it’s hard NOT to think about the upcoming election… it’s today! However, this is a blog about autism. So, can I connect the two? Let’s try. How am I feeling about the election? Very nervous. I have disliked the current administration and I want them voted out. I…