3 mins read

Toddler Hair Growth

Some babies are born with luscious locks, while others are born without much hair, if any. Many mothers of bald babies long for the day when they can pick up a brush rather than plunk a hat on their baby’s head. They may have to wait quite a while — some babies remain relatively thin on top until well into their toddler months.

2 mins read

Baby Hair Growth

There’s an old saying that if a pregnant woman has heartburn, her baby will be born with a full head of hair. Interestingly enough, there is a correlation between heartburn and hair on a baby, according to the New York Times. Still, a baby born with hair might not keep that hair. In fact, it is hard to predict just when your baby’s hair will grow, how fast it will grow or how much she will have.

3 mins read

Growth Spurts and Sleeping in Babies

One thing that babies do well is grow. During their first year of life, they grow more quickly than they will for the rest of their lives, according to Dr. Gregory Plemmons in “Parents” magazine. Many babies triple their birth weight by their first birthday. During that first year, your baby will have several growth spurts, which, while great for him, will most likely disrupt any feeding and sleeping patterns you’ve established.

2 mins read

Baby Head Growth

Having your baby’s head measured at each doctor’s visit is standard routine for pediatric visits. During the visit, the nurse or doctor will measure the circumference of your baby’s head to determine its growth. By tracking the size over a period of time, doctors can get a better estimate of your child’s growth, rather than taking one measurement later in life.