3 mins read

A Midlife Moment

This afternoon I met with my friend C. at our favorite neighborhood spot. A quaint bistro-style coffee-house that serves delicious sandwiches and salads, pastries and artisanal coffees (C. swoons over the perfectly blended iced coffee), we love to sit here and chit-chat over lunch. Occasionally I finish up my meal with a handmade salted caramel chocolate truffle – heaven! While greedily devouring our eggplant, red pepper, zucchini and mozzarella sandwiches (on freshly baked Italian bread), C …

3 mins read

3 Ways to Enjoy Your Life More!

People are busier than ever between work, family, activities and volunteering to help others. Now add your blackberry, pager, internet, and other tech savvy gadgets. I once worked with a woman that was so busy with her life that she wasn’t enjoying her life. She thought everything she had going on was so important, that keeping her cell phone attached to her hip every hour of the day was a necessity. She got caught up in the rat race of everything and needed some help taking a break and getting re-focused. Do any of you feel like your days just blend together with a lack of direction or purpose? Do you feel like you are in a hamster cage doing the same things over and over?

4 mins read

Enjoy your life more!

People are busier than ever between work, family, activities and volunteering to help others. Now add your blackberry, pager, internet, and other tech savvy gadgets. I once worked with a woman that was so busy with her life that she wasn’t enjoying her life. She thought everything she had going on was so important, that keeping her cell phone attached to her hip every hour of the day was a necessity. She got caught up in the rat race of everything and needed some help taking a break and getting refocused.

5 mins read

Follow These 3 Simple Steps to a Richer Life

Many individuals are living their lives on autopilot, going from place to place, but not enjoying the ride. We get so caught up in the details of life that we dont really stop long enough to enjoy lifes simple pleasures. Going from work to your blackberry to your cell phone and back again becomes a bad habit that will rob you of being in the moment. I believe getting back to the basics is critical if you want to live a rich and prosperous life. Even some of the busiest people know the value of stopping every now and then, in order to refuel and re-evaluate how their life is going. Otherwise you become a hamster in a cage, running endlessly around the wheel, but getting nowhere. Try some of these simple tips to get re-focused on what matters most.