1 min read

Are You a Nightmare Sports Parent?

What’s one thing most college athletes say they wished they could have told their parents? Chill out with the post-game critiques! It might seem obvious, but don’t lecture your children on their mistakes on the way home from a game. As Yahoo Sports’ Steve Henson wisely points out, . . . [T]he young athlete doesnt want to hear it immediately after the game.”

4 mins read

4 Steps to Raising a Future Writer

Lots of parents read aloud to their baby and toddler, but few take the next step: encouraging early writing. Did you know that babies can draw pictures (prewriting) and create narratives at between 2 and 3 years of age? A young child who is stimulated with targeted activities early and often can be writing and illustrating complex stories by age 4 or 5.

3 mins read

Minor Head Injuries in Children

The stages of childhood bring plenty of opportunity for a child to bump or otherwise hurt his head. Fortunately, the skull is usually pretty good at protecting the brain from severe damage and many head injuries are minor. If your child bumps his head or gets a cut on his scalp, keep an eye on him and call your doctor if his condition worsens.