5 mins read

Are You Guilty Of Competitive Parenting?

In the wake of the Varsity Blues Scandal everyone is asking the question - how did modern day parenting get here? Obsessive-compulsive behavior in parenting is nothing new. However the terms used to describe it have evolved. First there was the “Tiger Mom”, which morphed into “Helicopter Parenting” and now this has turned into “Intensive…

3 mins read

Modern Wives, Retro Problems

We moms have recently had a darn good run as far as scintillating, empowering, enraging mommy commentary in the media goes, even without the Sheryl Sandberg explosion. Take this blog you are reading right now, which is going to review an article about a magazine – all about the frustrations of modern day motherhood! Extra bonus: thousands of comments from real live moms that accompany each article, blog and sidebar.