21 mins read

101 Ways to Make a Difficult Divorce Easier on Your Children

The following is a list of things you can do to make your children’s lives easier after a divorce. Read these tips as reminders of what you and your co-parent should be doing to ease the stress of divorce on your children. Remember that the reason why you should do these things is that if you don’t your children will join the ranks of those who become emotionally hurt by the process of divorce.

7 mins read

Eat a Raw Food Diet and Look Younger

What is this raw food diet all about and how can it make me look younger? What’s it all about and how can I incorporate it into my life without countless hours of dehydration and food preparation? The raw food lifestyle is rapidly becoming the most talked about diet in America despite a haze of skepticism shrouding the movement. To all the skeptics, I see where you’re coming from: If I only eat raw, will I stop shaving my armpits and join a commune? Will I become that annoying evangelist who never gets invited to a dinner party because I only talk about raw food and how it makes you super human? I offer to you my own life as evidence: my real mom experience with the raw food diet and how I walked away from nine months of being 99% raw to become a total fan of raw food AND someone you still might want to invite to a dinner party. At least I hope!

3 mins read

C-Section Procedures

A C-section is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby. Although having a C-section is considered a routine procedure in many hospitals, it is still major abdominal surgery that should be used only when necessary. Knowing how the procedure is done, asking your doctor questions ahead of time, and preparing for the big day can eliminate most fear and anxiety.

5 mins read

The Beauty of Reflection… why self awareness is the first step to better parenting

Imagine this scene: Its 7:40 in the morning. You are trying to get everyone out the door on time for school. But one child is purposely moving slowly because her feelings were hurt by her older siblings who laughed at her. Meanwhile, those two siblings are fighting over the toothpaste in the bathroom and still havent put their shoes on. Add to that a baby who needs a diaper change and well, you can imagine the frustration! You feel your anxiety mounting but what do you do?

5 mins read

The First Step to Better Parenting

Imagine this scene: Its 7:40 in the morning. You are trying to get everyone out the door on time for school. But one child is purposely moving slowly because her feelings were hurt by her older siblings who laughed at her. Meanwhile, those two siblings are fighting over the toothpaste in the bathroom and still havent put their shoes on. Add to that a baby who needs a diaper change and well, you can imagine the frustration! You feel your anxiety mounting but what do you do? Weve all been faced with these situations and how we handle them may be more important than you think.