2 mins read

Support for an Ectopic Pregnancy

The loss of a baby due to an ectopic pregnancy can be painful. An ectopic pregnancy is one in which the fetus develops outside of the uterus, generally in the fallopian tubes. A baby is not able to develop there, therefore the pregnancy is terminated or other medical intervention is necessary. While every woman who experiences an ectopic pregnancy handles loss differently, many experience similar feelings of sadness and may find comfort in the support of others.

5 mins read

Autism and Summer School

Beyond regular school is summer school. I never took a class during summer school. When I went to school, you took the summer off or you went to camps (for me, it was sports camps). These days, it’s quite common for kids as young as middle school to take a class during the summer. What…

2 mins read

Pregnancy Complications With IUD

Maybe you’ve seen the commercials or talked with a friend, convincing you to give an intrauterine device (IUD) a try. Maybe you’re just tired of popping a pill each morning. Or maybe you are breastfeeding and need a safe birth control option. IUDs may be the answer for you. Because pregnancy complications are possible with this type of device, you should talk with your doctor and partner before choosing this option.

3 mins read

Feeding Hungry Kids – One Bagel At A Time

Mother’s Day having just passed, it got me pondering the beloved topic of…yes, Moms. There are straight and gay moms, liberal and conservative moms, free spirited and helicopter moms, yoga and mindful moms.  There are the iconic Jewish and Italian moms, stay at home and working moms. Boho and Yuppie Moms, Dance and Trans Moms.…