4 mins read

Oral HCG Weight Loss

Oral HCG weigh- loss products have invaded the consumer market as a more convenient alternative to receiving HCG injections. HCG, which stands for human chorionic gonadotrophin, is a hormone derived from the urine of pregnant women. The use of HCG as a weight loss aid — which became the rage in the 1950s — has long since been discredited, says Dietscam.org, a service of the National Council Against Health Fraud.

3 mins read

Teenage Weight-Loss Surgery

With the ever-increasing rates of teen obesity, it is perhaps no surprise that the number of teens turning to surgical options for weight-loss is also on the rise. While many argue that teens should lose weight through lifestyle change, some struggling teens turn to surgery because they feel as if they have no other option. For these teens, surgery, as invasive as it may be, seems the only escape from their weight-related struggles.

3 mins read

Programs for Overweight Kids

A few extra pounds of fat may look cute on a child, but those pounds can lead to serious health problems down the line, especially if the child continues to be overweight. The number of overweight and obese children has grown substantially since 1980, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If your child is a bit heavier than he should be, you can work with him and your doctor to find a program to help him shed the excess pounds and learn to eat and exercise healthily.

3 mins read

Why is Weight Loss Surgery Bad?

Weight loss surgery is often a desperate last attempt, undertaken only after traditional dieting and exercise have failed. The guidelines for weight loss surgery require that you have a body mass index (BMI) over 40, with more than 100 lbs. to lose or a BMI over 35, as well as a health condition exacerbated by obesity, like Type 2 Diabetes, according to Glamour magazine. General anesthesia comes with a substantial risk, in and of itself, but the long-term health implications of weight loss surgery cannot be overlooked.

2 mins read

About Weight Gain After Pregnancy

As many women realize after giving birth, shedding those extra pounds you packed on while you were pregnant is not so easy. In fact, the International Journal of Obesity notes that gaining more than 8 lbs. post-pregnancy is common. Unfortunately, postpartum weight gain is associated with a number of health issues. So if you find yourself gaining excessive weight after your pregnancy, remember to eat right, exercise and talk with your doctor.