6 mins read

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes in Infants

Diabetes can affect individuals of any age, including infants and children. Knowing that your baby has diabetes can be really frightening. But by learning how to perform glucose testing and give insulin, you can help your child to grow up healthy. The first thing you need to do, though, is to keep your own stress level down. Your baby can sense if you feel anxious, so it is up to you to be as brave as your little one.

3 mins read

Underarm Odor in Kids

Underarm odor is often a telltale sign that your child is about to go through puberty, the period of life when he develops from a child into an adult. Since underarm odor, also called body odor, often smells pretty unpleasant, it can be embarrassing for your child, especially if he has no idea what’s going on.