2 mins read

How to Create a Child’s Behavior Chart

Altering or shaping a child’s behavior takes incentive, consistency and patience. Creatively find ways to encourage your child to behave the way you desire, such as with a behavior chart. Ask Dr. Sears and the National Center for Learning Disabilities (LD) both recommend behavior charts that offer tangible rewards when your child exhibits desired behavior. Dr. Sears advises making the charts fun, changing them often, hanging them in a highly visible location and getting your child involved in creating and maintaining the chart.

4 mins read

Behavior Plans for a Problem Child

Children who prove continually problematic may behave better with the guidance of a behavior plan. The purpose of a behavior plan is not only to ensure that the child’s behavior stays within acceptable norms, but also to teach him how to behave properly in the future. By building a behavior plan yourself, or partnering with a medical professional to create this plan, you can increase the likelihood that your child modifies his behavior and learns the skills necessary to behave properly.

1 min read

How to Keep New Year’s Resolutions

Losing weight, saving money and kicking the smoking habit rank as some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions. The enthusiasm for achieving these resolutions is high on January 1st. Many people notice a sharp decline in motivation by the end of January. Sticking to New Year’s resolutions takes planning and persistence, with a healthy dose of realism. Be honest with yourself and get back on track if you find yourself straying from the path to a new you.