4 mins read

Suburban Grocery Stores: Are They Sabotaging Our Health?

Ok, so Im talking to a friend of mine tonight. She has a son who has been labeled way too many things, but the latest is that he suffers from neurosis. He does not have Asperger’s but at different times, different people have thought so. He does, however, get very worried and nervous that, for instance, someone will come in though the garage and hurt the family during the night, and so he will stay awake to make sure no one comes in the house. I have not mentioned that the kid is also hilarious and awesome and he and I share a special bond.

3 mins read

Sleep Disturbance in Children

Some children sleep soundly from the moment their heads hit the pillow until the sun peeks through their window the next day, but others’ nights are filled with the fitful waking associated with sleep disturbances. If your child seems unable to make it through a night without the occasional wake up, consider what factors may be leading him to lose out on sleep as well as what you can do to help.