3 mins read

Narcissistic Behavior in a Husband

When a person has true narcissistic personality disorder, he believes he is more important than he really is. He feels entitled to special treatment and has an inflated sense of himself. He demands constant attention and is overly sensitive to perceived criticism. A husband who acts selfish may just be temporarily selfish, or he may actually have narcissistic personality disorder. Understanding the signs, symptoms and treatment of the disorder will help you decide whether to ask him to get evaluated.

4 mins read

Coronary Artery Disease in Women

Coronary artery disease is the leading killer of women in the United States. Women tend to ignore the symptoms of coronary artery disease and not seek medical care until it is too late. According to American Family Physician, many doctors underestimate the risk that coronary artery disease poses for female patients. Understanding the signs and what preventative measures can be taken to reduce the risk of coronary artery disease for women can improve your health.