4 mins read

5 Benefits of the Human Touch

If you have ever used a human touch massage chair, you know that it’s not even close to the real thing. There is something unquestionably powerful about the human touch. It’s not just about feeling skin against skin. The healing and comforting powers of the human touch have been known to humans for a long time. Many cultures have explored and used these mysterious powers to treat, heal and soothe for generations. Today the powers and benefits of the human touch are acknowledged by advocates of modern science as well. This article lists the various benefits of the human touch, as an effective measure that facilitates well-being, a catalyst in healing or recovery and as a technique that helps strengthen one’s mind, body and relationships.

3 mins read

How Does IVF Work?

“In vitro,” which means “in glass,” is a procedure in which a woman’s eggs are fertilized with a man’s sperm outside the body. There are many reasons why a couple might consider IVF (in vitro fertilization): blocked fallopian tubes, lack of response to infertility medication, low sperm count or sperm that are slow, or unexplained infertility. One cycle of IVF can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 2 months and, according to the Center for Human Reproduction, is successful about 50 percent of the time.

3 mins read

Diseases & HPV

In some cases, genital human papillomavirus, or HPV, can cause cancer in women and men, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cervical cancer risks increase among women with HPV, and a few people with the infection may also suffer from cancers of the penis, vulva or anus. Getting regular Pap smears and having only protected sexual intercourse with few partners are effective ways to prevent HPV or reduce its cancer risks in those people already infected with the virus.