5 mins read

Taking Care of an Infant

Having a new baby can be overwhelming; new parents deal with fussiness, frequent diaper changes and what seems like constant feeding. They do this all while feeling sleep deprived. Fifteen to twenty percent of new moms experience some sort of pregnancy-related depression or anxiety, according to the NY State Health Department. Help yourself by learning the basics of infant care: from feeding to burping to dressing to sleeping, the routines are simple. As you establish your own parenting rhythm, you’ll gain confidence. You’ll also hopefully gain more sleep.

4 mins read

Remedies for Colds in Infants Under One Year Old

Colds are common in infants under one year old. A parent may feel helpless when her infant is congested, coughing and stuffy. The dangers of over-the-counter cold medications have been identified recently, creating more confusion about caring for a sick infant. There are many safe alternatives to help alleviate some of the symptoms caused by a cold in infants.