3 mins read

Painful Intercourse During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, many couples express concerns about whether intercourse is safe. According to the March of Dimes, intercourse during pregnancy is completely safe for most women. Unfortunately, the experience for many mothers-to-be is anything but pleasurable. Finding out the causes of painful intercourse during pregnancy can help resolve your discomfort.

3 mins read

Pain During Sex in Pregnancy

For most women, sex is safe during the course of a normal pregnancy, which Kids Health defines as one that carries a low risk for complications. But even during a normal pregnancy, sex can be painful for the mom-to-be. Not all the causes of pain during sex mean something serious is wrong with you or your baby. However, you should inform your health care provider of any painful symptoms and discuss your concerns with her.

3 mins read

Post-Pregnancy Care

The days and weeks after giving birth can be one of the most challenging times for new mothers. Although you may want to focus every moment on your new infant, your own physical discomforts can get in the way. In addition to caring for your new baby, vaginal bleeding, uterine cramping, breast pain and postpartum depression can require your attention.