5 mins read

Household Chores and Autism

Household Chores and Autism I thought this was such a great perspective…And, it is only one perspective. This is a commentary from a young adult on the autism spectrum: “Neurotypicals who live with autistics, have you ever wondered why a sinkful of dishes just hangs out for days? Have you ever gotten irritated because unfolded…

2 mins read

My New Favorite Way To Clean The House

The following post is sponsored by BISSELL Homecare, Inc.Do your kids love to do arts and crafts projects? Mine do, and while I never, ever want to squash their creativity – sometimes I get a little tired of cleaning up the mess! The absolute worst is when my daughter uses glitter and glue. It gets EVERYWHERE, and it’s impossible to clean up. It turns into a whole big process. First, I try to sweep …

1 min read

Costume Club Treehouse

The holidays are almost here and I am already behind on finding the perfect gifts for my family and friends! While attempting to catch up on my holiday shopping, I found an amazing toy that my little one will adore. The Paddywack Lane Costume Club Treehouse is a world of fun for children 3 years and up. Full of slides, bunk beds, swings and other fun toys, your little one will stay entertained for hours.

4 mins read

Words of Wisdom From My Teenager

The other day, I took the opportunity to grab the high school age girls that were in my house (Aidan and Chelsea) and the middle school boys (Daly and Mitchell) in order to talk about the school year and how they thought everything was going so far.I was expecting some eye rolling, but they happily sat down to talk to me and we quickly veered off the course of schooling onto some deeper subjects. What I heard were some very unexpected and heartfelt thoughts on some very big subjects.