2 mins read

Colon-Cleansing Foods and Drinks

Therapeutic colon cleanses help rid your lower intestine of waste, also called fecal matter. Many methods for this procedure exist, including colonic irrigations and laxative supplements. Columbia University warns that some of these procedures may wipe out healthy bacteria in your colon and cause health concerns, such as infection and electrolyte deficiencies. Mild colon cleansings involve replacing unhealthy foods in your diet with foods and drinks that encourage the movement and removal of waste matter in your bowel.

3 mins read

Different Kinds of Textures for Children

For better or for worse, kids love to touch everything. You can take advantage of this natural curiosity and teach your child about all of the wonderful textures that surround us. Experimenting with texture through thoughtful play provides a solid educational foundation in many areas. It teaches children about science and exploration, how to analyze…